EverChain Sponsors RMAI for 8th Year!

December 21, 2021 (Sacramento, CA) Behind every successful event are committed supporters who make things happen. EverChain is a long-term supporter of the Receivables Management Association International (RMAI) Annual Conference. They have committed again to sponsoring the 2022 RMAI Annual Conference with Gold Sponsorship, their eighth consecutive year of sponsorship.

The 2022 Annual Conference will offer in-person networking and education at the Aria Resort Hotel in Las Vegas. The conference brings together key participants in the receivables management industry, including debt-buying companies, collection agencies, collection law firms, brokers, originating creditors, and vendors.

We are pleased to acknowledge EverChain’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Matthew Wratten, for their gold sponsorship of our 25th anniversary RMAI Annual Conference” stated RMAI Executive Director Jan Stieger. “RMAI appreciates EverChain’s dedicated ongoing support of our conference over eight years.”

EverChain’s logo welcomes attendees online as they register for the conference, and it will be on display at the registration desk when they arrive at the Annual Conference, EverChain is also exhibiting and can be found at Booth #219.

Per Matthew Wratten, Founder, and Chief Executive Officer, “EverChain is once again proud to be a major sponsor of the RMAI Annual Conference, we fully support RMAI’s mission to bring best practices and continuing education opportunities to the receivables management space.

EverChain, under their previous name of DebtTrader, was the first business to become a certified broker through RMAI’s Receivables Management Certification Program. The Certification Program offers professional designations to businesses and individuals operating and employed within the receivables industry.

About RMAI

Receivables Management Association International (RMAI) is a nonprofit trade association representing about 580 companies that purchase or support the purchase of performing and nonperforming receivables on the secondary market. RMAI’s Receivables Management Certification Program and its Code of Ethics set the global standard within the receivables industry due to the rigorous uniform standards of best practice which focus on protecting consumers. You can read all about RMAI on their website.

RMAI’s 2022 Annual Conference is the 25th anniversary of the conference and brings together stakeholders in the receivables management industry—welcoming attendees and exhibitors, presenting highly-respected educational programming, and numerous networking opportunities with key participants, including debt buying companies, collection law firms, collection agencies, brokers, vendors, major creditors, and international members.

About EverChain®

EverChain® facilitates compliant and secure debt sales for lenders and other creditors. We enable creditors to manage and monetize their uncollected receivables via our secure, sophisticated, and specialized technology platform (patent pending) consistently and compliantly. EverChain isn’t simply a conventional broker or a buyer; EverChain® is an experienced debt sales advisor who has the expertise to help creditors optimize their recovery strategy while protecting their consumers, brand, and bottom line.

A successful debt sale should not be measured by how much money you sell your accounts for, it should be measured by how much you get to keep. Creditors concerned with any post-sale compliance risk can rest assured that the EverChain® network holds itself to the highest standards of care. This ensures that creditors selling their accounts on the EverChain® marketplace to our certified network of buyers can expect unprecedented and unparalleled levels of compliance from buyers, their agencies, and law firms.

Wanting to learn more on how EverChain can help you with your Receivables Management, you can read more here You can contact one of our dynamic team members here, or schedule your free demonstration here!